Wednesday, September 19, 2012

And now for something a little different

Even though we don't have kids, our refrigerator is nonetheless covered in photos, drawings, magnetic poetry, and favorite saved comic strips. We have a side-by-side fridge and the left/freezer side is dedicated to the kids in our lives. Although not always the most current, we have a hodge podge of school photos of cousins, nieces and nephews, and friends' kids.

Purposely in the center of all the pictures is a single-panel comic strip that I tore out of a trade magazine while riding a commuter train 20 years ago. In just eight words, it captured a life philosophy I was holding fast to at 24 years old and have maintained since despite societal pressure otherwise. Some year along the way, I realized visitors to my fridge might not understand that the comic was not actually funny to me; instead it was a reminder of what I was determined to avoid. So I added a little handwritten clarification at the top.

The comic recently came to mind when a 20-something friend of mine asked me if I would like to be a guest contributor on her blog about gender and sexuality issues. A lot of what she writes reminds me vividly of my 20-something self. I was intrigued to take some time to reflect on who I was then, who I am now, and what changed...and didn't...along the way.

So for something a bit weightier than what often appears here...and for some background as to why the comic below continues to speak loudly to me about my values, mosey over to Lindley's blog ~ "Unladylike Musings." My entry is called "Choosing Not to Be a Feminist."

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