Thursday, August 7, 2014

2014 Fair!!! ~ Day 7

We got home tonight before our driveway lights automatically shut off. Given the reduced quantity of sleep last night and our promise to ourselves that we would make tonight an early night, we considered that a win. Now we'll see if I can crawl into bed at a more reasonable hour tonight like I promised.

We had a fun day today. It was a bit unique because we did the Fair as a trio. Our dear friend, Dianne, joined us for most of the day. She is 75 years old and grew up in Clark County. She hadn't been to the Fair in over 20 years but I guess all my Fair Food Feast Parade photos finally got to her. Indeed, when we picked her up before lunch, Dianne matter-of-factly stated that she had already taken two Prilosec in preparation for our day together. Dianne rocks.

We're both med-ed up and ready to go!

Throwing her Weight Watchers Points to the wind (we all agreed that today, everything was pointless), Dianne did an impressive job keeping up with my parade. We shared a number of snacks but I tell you, for only having one day at the Fair, Dianne did it up right. She also went home with chocolate sauce drizzled all over her t-shirt from her Deep Fried Snickers bar. I was very proud.

Behold, the Deluxe Elephant Ear. It is a masterpiece.
A little chocolatey from our Deep Fried Snickers Bars (we each had our own -- no sharing this time!)

Dianne remembered going to the Clark County Fair back in the 1950s when it was held in Battle Ground. There are some old Fairgrounds photos from 1953 in a display case in the Big Air Conditioned Building. I loved hearing Dianne explain the various buildings in the photo and the stage that she did the 4-H Fashion Revues on when she was in high school.

As we walked along the Ridgefield fairgrounds, Dianne shared lots of memories and noted changes. Back in the day, the Dairy Women only offered one flavor of milkshake...for the entire fair. All animals were livestock intended for auction; no llamas or cats or dogs or guinea pigs. And all the quilts in the "Home Arts" competitions were hand-stitched. There was none of this machine quilting nonsense.

I asked Dianne if she was sort of wistful for the old fair, after spending the day taking in its modern version. She quickly said no. She liked the 2014 version quite a bit. She liked the food options and the greater array of animals and the ability to find air conditioning. In fact, Dianne is planning to come again next year and might even enter some flowers (she has a beautiful garden). I would be lying if I didn't admit feeling a little like an evangelist proudly watching someone come into the fold. Hallelujah!

Wheelchair races
After a spell, Dianne concluded that a wheelchair would be helpful. Luckily, they are available for rent in return for holding a driver's license as collateral.

At about the same time Dianne was settling into her new wheels, we ran into some friends who were also rolling around the Fair. Through various twists and turns, I ended driving Dianne for a bit while Rob drove Margie.

Being the competitive couple that we are, Rob and I both intensely fought our shared urge to race the ladies through the Exhibition Hall. As it was, we slalomed around the tomatoes, grapes, and peppers and only had a handful of minor collisions. We were both newbies at the wheelchair driving game, not even having our learner's permits. Luckily our passengers were good natured. Plying them with milkshakes helped.

Dianne and I had Chocolate Cherry.  Margie had...and is...a peach.

"I'm not a fan of captivity but they are awfully cute"
Before the Fair started, there was quite a bit of grumbling about the new Sea Lion show that was coming to town. Online and in the newspaper, people were concerned about using sea lions for entertainment instead of allowing them to be free-range. People were going to boycott the show, if not the entire Fair itself, based on the principle of not supporting things like zoos and circuses and the like.

But then the Fair opened. And people started watching the show. And other people started being drawn in by the boppy music. And others couldn't resist the adorableness of seeing sea lions wave at them. And others thawed when they learned the story of Zoey the littlest sea lion who was actually rescued by the show's trainers and given a healthy life in captivity.

I'm a pretty accomplished eavesdropper. I noticed that for about the first three days of the Fair, people were surprised by how much they liked the Sea Lion Splash show and were trying to justify having watched it even though it seemed politically incorrect.

Now, on Day 7, people are just gushing about how cute and talented and funny the sea lions are and wouldn't it be nice if there was some shade and wow, you have to arrive at least 30 minutes early to even get a seat.

Hard to resist the power of flapping flippers.

And by the way, the quote is courtesy of eavesdropping next to the Hawaiian Shaved Ice vendor.  I spend a lot of time there.

The Sea Lion crowd about 5 minutes before it started. So much for boycotting.

It's not just for HVAC anymore
While Dianne was examining the quilts, I wandered over to the 4-H Stage where kids do Public Presentations on pretty much any subject they choose. A couple of years ago I learned about Facebook. Today it was duct tape.

Thinking I would learn about how to perhaps fix a duct, the 4-H'er instead had a PowerPoint presentation about the various things you can make with duct tape. Stuff like jewelry and clothing and iPad cases. In fact, she was modeling some of her creations. Stuff that she sells. With a friend. That co-owns the business they share selling duct tape accessories. As middle-schoolers.  Okey dokey then.

I bet they have an store
Much to my surprise, my pedometer logged 3.73 miles today. I had the sense we weren't doing as much walking, but I guess once Dianne got her wheels we actually kept things rolling at a pretty good clip.

Today's Flavor of the Day in the milkshake barn was my favorite Chocolate Cherry. Mmmmm.

The re-entry hand stamp animal was a fuzzy wuzzy little sheep.

Rob shared his Diet Coke with "Family." We also borrowed "Lauren" from a stranger sitting next to us so we could send a photo to a mutual friend named...Lauren.

Today's Fair Food Feast Parade included several shared items. I also had to finally cave into using the Big Guns for my back pain. But...we discovered a delicious grilled cheese sandwich vendor that had us all making happy noises.  So pain, shmain.  Bring on the cheese!

Big Guns pain meds.  This scene was...and likely will continued to be...repeated a few times.  Eh.  It was going to happen eventually.  I'm impressed I lasted this long!

That is one CRAZY good grilled cheese sandwich!  Gouda, bacon, chicken, and BBQ sauce from a new vendor called Get Cheesed by the Grandstands.  We heard about it from the rodeo announcer last night.  Lesson learned:  always pay attention to rodeo announcements.  MMMMMMM!

Grape and Tiger's Blood Hawaiian Shaved Ice.  Different Ice Jockey but still not enough syrup.  Boo!  But what I could taste of the Tiger's Blood was good.  The Ice Jockey said it was a strawberry-coconut combo.

The three of us knocked out the Deluxe Elephant Ear in record time. 

Chocolate Cherry milkshake!!

We shared this Onion Bloom from the Shriners booth.  Eh.  We should have asked for a fresh one.  Nevertheless, we finished every last morsel.  And with Ranch dressing!!!

Deep fried Snickers Bar from Sweet Cheeks.  It made my teeth hurt. That was a good thing.  But I still think the Cookie Dough is my go-to again this year. 


Anonymous said...

I have enjoyed your blogs this year and have discovered new eats, however I have to comment on the booth that is selling rocky mountain oysters this year. It might not be something your palate might want to try. I have heard they have sold a few this year.

Toni at Woodhaven said...

Hey, Anonymous! Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!

Yes, I know the booth you are referring to. We have been there every day asking if they have the ingredients for their advertised Deep Fried Coke. FINALLY had it yesterday. I don't recommend it.

I've considered their other offerings. The Fried Chicken with a Krispy Cream donut bun sounds interesting but honestly, with KFC and a donut, I could make it at home. So I've skipped it.

As for the deep fried rocky mountain oysters, ummm... I don't like seafood? ;-) Yeah, not my thing. There are just some animal parts I think should be left well enough alone!