Wednesday, August 12, 2015

THE FAIR 2015 ~ Day 5

Where to begin…

So this morning was rough. I got lots of sleep and woke up ready to write. And started to…

But then the tile guy showed up and we needed to discuss the cubby that won’t fit my shampoo bottle. And then our awesome contactor arrived and needed to use an air compressor to continue replacing bead-board in our game room. Then the project manager arrived just before the glass and mirror guy showed up. Much discussion ensued about shower thresholds and hinge options and towel bar placement. None of which I was really mentally prepared for even though I theoretically understand our house is still under reconstruction.

So that and the sudden disappearance of some pre-writing I had done last night before bed made for a very frustrating start to the day. And a much later departure from the house than planned. Boo!!!

But we made it to the Fair in time for lunch….AND I had something fried on a stick. YAY!!!!

So 10 hours later, I am very happily Fair-ed, the house is quiet, I’m typing away, and nobody is in the house except Rob and the cats. Life is good again.

Because I know you want to try it, she suggested buying a syringe from the pharmacy
It was another hot day…and much less crowded…so we decided today was Big Air Conditioned Building Day. The BACB is where all the exhibits are (quilts, vegetables, canning, clothing, my white ribboned photography), as well as all the vendors (magnetic bracelets, hot tubs, Tempur-Pedic beds, Magic Brooms).

We arrived inside and immediately ran into our friend Dave. After chatting a bit, he looked at me and, pointing towards some women with toothpicked confections in front of them, asked, “Did you know they have free samples over there?” Dave knows me well.

A hasty good-bye to Dave and I was eagerly standing in front of an aproned woman and her three little crock pots of chocolate.

Before I really had to say much of anything, the nice candy lady launched into quite a dissertation on the best way to make dipping chocolate (paraffin is key) and tricks for making homemade peanut butter cups (crunchy peanut butter works best) and how to be very popular at Christmas (give liquor-filled chocolate covered strawberries as gifts).

I really didn’t retain much of what she was saying, other than you can get a quarter-shot of booze to fill a strawberry before it starts oozing out. Aside from that, I was too busy eating her delicious waxy chocolate treats on tiny sticks. I love the Fair!!

I listened to “Don’t Stop Believin’” on my iPod on the way home
The big event in the grandstands tonight was a series of three tribute bands to celebrate the ’60 (Beatles), ‘70s (Led Zeppelin), and ‘80s (Journey). It started at 4:00pm and ended around 9:30pm. I was actually pretty excited; it was a new event this year and hanging out listening to music I know sounded like fun. I mean, that’s the point of a tribute band, right? To only play the hits and not make you endure stuff from their new album that you really don’t care about?

So 4:00pm rolled around and it was too hot to go climbing around on metal bleachers. That and I really only like about three Beatles songs. Actually, I enjoy most of their hits but after three of them…any three of them…they all sound the same to me and I’m bored. Yes, I understand the blasphemy of my statement, as well as the irony of it coming from someone who claims there are marked and significant differences in the stylings of Depeche Mode, New Order, and The Cure. I apologize and hope we can still be friends.

So, we skipped the Beatles band.

Encouraged by my toe-tapping fun with Kansas, Steppenwolf, and The Guess Who, I was eager to give Led Zeppelin a try. I asked Rob if I knew any of their songs.

“Oh, you know a lot of them. And you hate every one.”

Determined to prove him wrong…even after he explained they were not Lynyrd Skynyrd (hey, they both start with an L and are spelled funny; poor Rob’s head)…I insisted we go check out the cover band. A song and a half later, I was ambling out of the grandstands faster than I had moved all day. Once again, Rob was right.

I call this "Rock Llama."  Or, as kids have told us, Quiet Coyote.
We just ooze kool and hip, don't we?

As for Journey, well… Remember what I said about tribute bands not making you wait all night to hear the good stuff? This one didn’t get the memo. I had seen the band before and quite enjoyed them, but I think there was wine involved. They were fine tonight, and the people dancing in the dirt were very entertaining, but I just couldn’t get into it. After about five unfamiliar songs, I asked Rob if he wanted to go get dessert and call it a night. Once again, we scurried out of the grandstands.

So all in all, I’d say the Throwback Tuesday tribute band idea was great in theory and a bit of bust in execution. The crowds were sparse and the energy seemed to be sapped by the heat of the day. The Fair People really tried to make it a big deal, with a big raffle and all, but it all just sort of fizzled. It will be interesting to see what happens next year.

Our hours vary, please check back often
Looking for a place to rest for a bit, we found an empty bench on the Main Midway, oddly situated perpendicular to an Information board displaying a map of the Fairgrounds. We happily settled in for one of our favorite exhibits: People Who Go to the Fair. This event is best enjoyed while wearing sunglasses.

Anyway, it wasn’t long before a woman stopped at the map and looked at it with confusion.

“Can we help you find something?”

“Yeah, I’m looking for the ATM.”

“Oh, it’s just inside the building right over there. Just go inside the doors and turn left.”

And thus opened “Rob and Toni’s Fair Information Bench” at your service. Before our shift was over, we had helped people locate bathrooms, the milkshake barn, friends (we are observant), and corn.

In all honesty, we had a blast. We love the Fair and know it rather well, so we had a lot of fun helping direct people to whatever they were in search of. There is a really good possibility we will be planting ourselves on that bench with some regularity over the next five days. There’s an embroidery booth in a barn across the way. Maybe we should get some shirts made. Hmmmm.

Friendly Fair info, here to serve!

It took several visits but I finally talked him down
And by “him” I mean the sales guy. Rob is still shaking his head.

But look! Just ONE broom! For half price! Instead of two brooms for full price! Well, the guy was selling one broom for full price with a second one free but that means I should be able to buy just one broom for half the price, right? See how savvy my math and negotiating skillz are?

I think the guy was just tired of seeing me, and then suddenly added tax to boost the price a buck. But wow, I came right home and pushed my Magic Broom around the kitchen floor a bit and it works great! Aside from having to bend over with a dust pan. Forgot about that part.

Chim, chimney
Chim, chimney
Chim chim cher-ree

Fair Day Data:

  • Total walking logged on my pedometer: 5.07 miles. And yes, my back and knee are well aware of every step
  • Time at which we saw the first set of Magic Brooms being carried around: 8:54pm (LATE!! Maybe he was more desperate for a sale than I was savvy at negotiating?)
  • Time at which I paraded around my Magic Broom: 9:07pm
  • Re-entry hand stamp: puppy

Fair Food Feast Parade!
We were walking along mid-afternoon, after lunch, and Rob asked what I wanted to do next. When I said, “I think I want some corn,” he stopped in his tracks and looked at me with surprise. Then he smiled and said, “YOU’RE BACK!”

Behold the return of my appetite:

Frozen pink lemonade.  So thick I had to eat it with a fork!

New!  Bacon wrapped, jalapeno battered sausage...on a stick!
Verdict: Eh.  Not awful, not great.  I wouldn't have it again.
But I don't feel sick, so I have that going for me which is nice!

Pink marshmallows dipped in white chocolate and
sprinkled with peppermint chunks -- on a stick!
Better than it sounds.  Does it sound good?

Corn!!  With butter!  And salt!!  

One of about 4 free samples of game jerky.  This was either the kangaroo or the wild boar.
The kangaroo was my favorite -- sweet and chewy.  With a little kick. Ha.

Arnold Palmer (lemonade and iced tea).  Strangely, it had a hint
of coconut flavor.  I wasn't a fan but I finished it.

This was gross.  I only ate about half.  It was a Thai Chicken bowl
and I got it primarily because of the red coconut sauce.  Guess they put all the
coconut in the iced tea instead.  No coconut, the chicken was chewy,
no trace of Thai flavor, and I don't like brown rice.  Ewww.

Much happier helping Rob with his salty, greasy french fries.
Mmmm, greasy salt.

Chocolate brownie treat my nice friend John gave me.
Thanks, John!

First elephant ear of the year!  New from a place that makes beignets
It was made out of beignet dough.  It tasted a tiny bit better but it
was smaller and more expensive than other options.
Won't get it again.

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