Thursday, August 10, 2023

FAIR DAY 6 ~ Food Find and a Tiny Baby!

Rob and I have a big day ahead for Fair Day 7, so I am going to jump right into Day 6’s recap.

It was Demolition Derby Day! Historically, this is my favorite Fair Day. I love watching cars smash into each other! And the anticipation of a radiator busting or a tire popping or maybe even the thrill of an engine fire (expertly doused by the nearby ring attendants). I may have grown up in the suburbs of San Francisco, but apparently a faint redneck streak runs through my veins.

This year’s Derby was quite good! In years past, the entrants in the afternoon show held back a bit so that they still had a car left to enter in the evening show. But no holding back this year! The second round this afternoon was smashy enough to have qualified as an evening bout. And the evening show had 15 cars in a small ring, with tons of carnage in the dirt by the end. It came down to three balls of metal clunking around the arena – two driven by women. An impressively aggressive driver emerged victorious, to thunderous applause from her new fans.

I noted two new things about the Demo Derby this year. 

First, I guess I never noticed before that we are now in the era that Demo Derby cars have sunroofs. It looks weird…and dangerous...and way too modern. That being said, a seemingly fully-equipped Hyundai Elantra was quite sturdy and reliable, hopefully validating our Santa Fe purchase a few years ago.

Also new this year was the addition of wooden sticks attached to the driver’s side windshield frame. The intent was to signal if the driver was still in the competition or not. So they all drove around the arena with yardsticks on their cars until they decided they were out. Then the driver pulled out the stick, flung it to the dirt in frustration, and watched the rest of the race from the sidelines. 

I like the idea – it helps the audience keep track of things, too. But the sticks were sort of hard to see. A few were painted neon orange at the top, which slightly improved visibility. But personally, I think they should use bright orange bike flags instead. You know, the ones that spring and sprong back and forth super easily? Not only would they be more visible, I think it would be hysterical watching cars smash around a dirt arena with dancing flags.

Note the sticks -- sort of. Now 
imagine bright orange bike flags
instead. See? Better.

We thoroughly enjoyed a performance by Taylor Swift without having to take out a mortgage for the concert ticket. Abbie was hypnotized and was certain she was Taylor. She “Shook It Off” like a pro and was quite adamant that she does NOT lip sync her concerts. She also took great offense when her backup dancers were informed there was a talent scout in the audience so they might want to be extra dancey for the opportunity to tour with an even bigger star than Taylor. Given all the recent social media posts I’ve seen recently about something called “ERAS,” I’m not sure who that would be.

Taylor was VERY expressive!

I was utterly impressed by Cole, a 1st Year 4-H’er in the Fowl Courtyard. He looked about 8 years old and was holding a squawky duck. Cole confidently approached me and asked if I wanted to pet his duck, which of course I did. Because Fair. Cole and I then chatted about ducks and turkeys and herdsmanship and showmanship and chores at home and 4-H. He was so at ease talking with a strange adult (me, in so many ways), answering all sorts of questions with more info than just a yes or no. I was absolutely stunned it is his first year in 4-H and told him so. I will now try to watch Cole over the coming years without being creepy about it (I didn't tell him that part). He’s got an impressive 4-H career ahead of him!

I thoroughly enjoyed chatting with
Cole. I wonder if he wants a 
55-year-old friend?

Two other highlights of the day were discovering a new food option AND the wonder of holding a 6-day-old baby. Both were courtesy of our friends Dakota and Alyssa.

The young couple made a huge lifestyle change several years ago and adopted a Keto diet. You know, the one emphasizes protein and discourages carbs? Seeing their success inspired me to significantly reduce my carb intake a few years ago, just to see if that would finally nudge my menopausal pounds to skedaddle. Much to my delight and disappointment, it worked! I LOVE pasta, so it’s been hard. But I’m not super strict, allowing myself “Carb Days” every week or two. And then for 10 days straight in August. Oh, how I ADORE Fairing! It's so carby!

Dakota has scoured our Fair for Keto-friendly food options. He found ribs (good but WAY overpriced), turkey legs (best by-ounce value), and a thing called an “Italian Raclette Sandwich” without the bun. The bunless raclette was by far Dakota’s favorite – he had 6, yes SIX – of them yesterday alone. Did I mention Dakota is also a bodybuilder?  Still…SIX.

So naturally, I had to try this raclette thing. I tried it last year – with the bun – and was underwhelmed. The mild Swiss cheese that defines “raclette” was sort of boring and the sandwich was very bready. But Dakota and Alyssa’s Keto-Hack version looked and smelled so good, I beelined over to the Raclette Booth when it was time for dinner and placed my order.

Doesn't that look good?? My stomach
just growled looking at the photo.

Verdict: Very tasty! And filling! Honestly, I had a hard time finishing it – so it was actually a pretty good value ($15) for Fair Food. It basically tasted like a plate of pizza toppings. There was ham and salami and a bunch of veggies all mixed together with a melty white cheese. Lots of protein! I did keep wanting a little more flavor, though. Because I like strong flavors. Probably because it reminded me so much of pizza, I kept wanting a sprinkle of fennel or oregano. I might get this Keto Plate of Goodness again – and I definitely plan to check out the booth’s brick-and-mortar pizza joint in a nearby town post-Fair.

Dakota and Alyssa also gave me an enormous gift without even knowing it. They are totally chill parents who want their kids to experience the world and not be afraid of it. So they arrived at the Fair yesterday with their 2-year-old son and 6-day-old daughter. Yes, six days after giving birth, Alyssa was fairing! And fairing quite well! The gift, though?  I got to hold little Blaikly. All 6 pounds and 6 days old of her. She was the tiniest, newest human I have ever held. She was cuddly and sleepy and soooo little. I totally understand why people want these things in their lives!  Thank you for letting me hold your precious daughter, Dakota and Alyssa! Consider me willing and available for more holding for 14 more pounds!


Rob and I will be Fairing on Day 7, but we will be fairing elsewhere. We’re taking a little detour to the Oregon Coast to check out a different county fair with a decidedly different type of entertainment. Stay tuned!


Pink Lemonade Spindrift

Street Tacos from the Islander Hawaiian
booth near the Pirate Ship. I got two pork and
two chicken. Meh. Neither meat had much 
flavor. I relied heavily on the little dish of
salsa, which I'm pretty sure was Pace Mild.
The pineapple was good - fresh and sweet.
The best part of the meal was the tortillas.
Because carbs. I won't be getting this again.

Strawberry Peach Pear Smasher! Happy to
see the Peach Pear back on the menu!

Chocolate Chip Cookie from the clam
chowder booth next to Smashers. I wanted
a small, quick dessert. This hit the spot -- but
I desperately miss the chocolate covered
strawberries and bananas that used to be offered
at the Fair in various places. 

Banana and Cherry Hawaiian Shave Ice. This
vendor was new last year. They are OK but I liked
the old Tropical Sno syrups better. These ones
just aren't as intense. The cherry was more sweet
than tart and the banana oddly tasted like 
root beer (Rob verified). All in all, sort of 
disappointed and now not regretting all the 
milkshakes the past few days.

Bunless Italian Raclette Sandwich! Or, 
Pizza on a Plate! I'm wondering if I can
order that at their pizza joint in La Center??

Chocolate Cherry Milkshake to end the day.
Typically a favorite, but last night it was sort
of boring. Maybe not enough cherry? Or maybe
nothing will ever compare to the chocolate
peppermint deliciousness a few days ago?



Bready, carby pretzels!


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