Friday, August 12, 2022

Fair recap in 30 minutes or less. GO!

Today was a weird but fun day.  My Fair Buddy went on a quick trip to California for an important family event that was scheduled after we committed to our volunteer gig in the Passport to Fun Gazebo.  So we decided to divide and conquer.  Rob zipped down to central California and I found a wonderful alternate to fill in for him. Assuming all goes according to Alaska Airlines’ flight plan, Rob and I will be reuniting in the Gazebo tomorrow morning.

Ruth is one my favorite 19-year-olds. I have known her for most of those years. I was super jazzed that she didn’t have to work until 5:00pm today, so she joined me in the Gazebo until 2:00pm and then Faired with me for a few hours.

Ruth had been to My Beloved Fair once or twice many years ago, with some vivid memories that came rushing back as we wandered the Fairgrounds.  She remembered playing the Passport to Fun game as a grade schooler and picked up the Gazebo spiel super fast. She knew all the characters on the Marvel Superhero (temporary) tattoo prizes, adding an in-the-know hipness that our shifts have been severely lacking.

At one point, an employee with the butterfly exhibit came by. Ruth remarked how much she liked the woman’s butterfly necklace. The woman thanked her for the compliment and added the explanation that she was “down with the butterflies.” Ruth -- unaware of the existence of the butterfly exhibit -- decided to groove with the woman in appreciating butterflies in general by replying, “Oh, me, too!” 

I’m still giggling. Oh, I adore Ruth!

SO fun to have our friends Lauralea and Mark
drop by the Gazebo!  It was sort of really sunny.

With only a few hours to Do the Fair, Ruth and I faired with intention when our shift was over.  We grabbed lunch, headed to the Grandstands for Tuff Trucks, and then wandered the animal barns hitting Ruth’s Must Sees: the Bee Barn, the cows, the guinea pigs, and the rabbits. 

Ruth asked really insightful questions at the Bee Barn about honey and allergies, got super excited while petting a calico guinea pig named Hazel, and took a selfie with an angora rabbit who is the subject of a short but adorable video I posted on Instagram a few days ago that is amusingly going mildly viral. Ruth is a natural Fairer.

We didn't catch the name of this bunny,
but it was SOOO soft!

When it was time for Ruth to head to work, I walked her to the Red Gate, gave her a huge hug, and then stood among the carnival rides wondering what to do next. I wasn’t sure how – or if – to Fair alone.

I ended up getting a milkshake and plunking myself on a park bench in the shade near the Fair Office.  I watched the Fair go by, listened to teenagers screaming on nearby rides, and helped a pre-teen get reconnected with his mom. Yay for looking safe!  I’m crediting my super white hair.

Cell phones are magical.

Deciding to work off the milkshake a bit, I followed a street performer from a distance for a while, having a hoot watching people decide whether to stop and enjoy his show or keep walking. I meandered to the stage near the Slingshot and sat in on the tail end of a magic show, laughing at the jokes the magician artfully and thankfully threw in for the grownups.

Adam the Great is one of our favorites

I was debating whether or not to watch the 7:00pm Tuff Trucks show when I got a text from my friend Shelley saying a seat was saved for me if I was staying for the show. Realizing the only thing waiting for me at home was responsibilities, I grabbed a snack and headed to the Grandstands.

Bacheloretting it with Shelley and Alyssa!

I chatted with my friends and made a new one who was wearing a knee brace and is desperately trying to avoid surgery. I soon realized she was My People when she revealed she lives in Corvallis (about 100 miles south) and came up to Clark County for our Fair for the weekend. She was staying in a hotel nearby.  Fair Fanatics unite!

Knowing I have an early morning again tomorrow – and not really wanting to Fair alone at night – I headed to my car at about 8:30pm. Rob texted that he was in his Fresno hotel working on homework so he can be fully present for our final two Fair days. Best Fair Buddy – and husband – ever.

I honestly wasn’t sure how today was going to go with Rob being gone. As it turned out, I still had a great day. I enjoyed time with friends and wandered around and pet fuzzy animals and cheered in the Grandstands. But one day going solo-ish is enough.  I can’t wait to Fair with Rob again tomorrow.


Fair Food Feast Collage

Taking selfies while eating was weird and awkward and I felt totally conspicuous. As a result, I took one super-fast and hopefully stealthy photo of each thing I ate and hoped for the best.  Here’s what I ended up with.

Top Row: 

1. Breakfast of champions! Corn dog from the same place as the Incredible Elephant Ear.  Pretty tasty! And kept me from getting hangry during the 4-hour shift.

2. Orange Fusion from Smashers...because Stan ran out of all his fruit flavor add-ins!  Like for the rest of the Fair!  This is incredible news for Stan. And devastating news for me. Nevertheless, I had never had the orange drink before and I actually REALLY liked it!  It was a bit lighter in flavor than the other Smashers, which should be a negative for me since I typically like strong flavors.  But I seriously think this flavor should be on the menu permanently. 

3. Patrick's Chicken Teriyaki Yakisoba -- prominently featuring a plastic fork. LOVE Patrick's! They are a treat to visit in the off-season (on Mill Plain in Cascade Park for the locals).

Bottom Row:

4. Blue Hawaii (vanilla and coconut) and Boysenberry Hawaiian Shave Ice.  The Boysenberry was really good -- sweet without being overly so. I couldn't decide if I liked the Blue Hawaii.  At times it tasted like how sunscreen smells. At other times it reminded me of a vanilla candle. Mixing it with the Boysenberry helped a lot.

5. Chocolate Cherry milkshake from the Dairy Women's Milkshake barn. Delicious! And fun to suck cherry chunks through the straw!

6. Original Kettle Corn which was a snack that turned out to be dinner and now I'm hungry despite finishing most of the bag all by myself,

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