Monday, August 12, 2024

FAIR 2024 - Day 10!

WOW! Rob and I are on the couch with our very relieved cat – all her purring and finger-licking suggests she is quite happy The Fair is over. My feet, back, knees, complexion, and GI tract seem to agree. I am utterly exhausted, but it was SO WORTH IT!

We spent our Final Fair Day “working.” We spent the first 5 hours hanging out in the Crafts & Hobbies booth, then took a one-hour break, and then spent 5 hours in the Passport to Fun Gazebo. It was a super busy day. We were hopping in the Gazebo – I don't think I sat down for the first 2 hours. It was a blast! And ooooh, am I sore. BUT SO FUN!!! 

The best question in the Gazebo: "What is the most efficient route to the Grandstands?" SUCH a smart question! I had the answer, too (go through either of the yellow barns). So thankful that the various barns are different colors, and that you can see them all from the Gazebo! Makes direction-giving much easier (cuz we do a LOT of pointing from the Gazebo).

At the end of our Gazebo shift – after helping Noah board up the Gazebo and begging him to keep us on the volunteer list for next year – we spent a couple hours slowly wandering the buzzing Fairgrounds, listening to the happy rumble of laughter and conversations and animal sounds and crowds cheering on really big trucks.

In many ways, the final day felt like the first day usually does. It was drizzly in the morning and a cold breeze ended the day as sweatshirts emerged. In between, the Fairgrounds steadily filled in and we happily ran into friends over and over and over. It was awesome and so much of what makes a great Fair day.

One of my favorite families! We convinced the son
to be a Mutton Buster years ago. Negotiations are
now underway for Tuff Trucks next year!
Love you guys!!

One of my favorite new friends!
Jason and I officially met last year.
He works for the Fair and I love
talking Fair with him. I'm serious about
that ride-along next year, Jason!

Israel and Lilly came back! They were my
favorite stamp-seekers last year in the 
Crafts & Hobbies booth. They said they
had so much fun last year counting all the
exhibits, they came to do it again! And
asked for a photo! I desperately hope this
becomes a tradition. I LOVE THE FAIR!

As I chatted with the gal who cuts my hair – somewhat new to the area and a first-time canning entrant – she seemed amazed by how many clients she was running into. A transplant from Southern California, she said she NEVER saw anyone she knew at her (enormous) county fair. “I’m starting to feel like I’m part of a community here,” she marveled. Yep. That’s it, 1000%.

After sunset, Rob and I slowly passed through animal barns and the Llama Greenway after saying good-bye to Smashers Stan and Tosha at the Raclette booth. We looked for Adam the Great and Roberto the Magnificent but sadly missed them before they headed to their next gigs. We fist-bumped Professor Smart as he and some helpers were disassembling the performance tent. We were chatting with friends in the Big Air Conditioned Building as the clock struck 10:00pm and an announcement was made to much cheering. “It is now 10 o’clock. The Fair is over. You may now distribute awards and break down your exhibits.”

The cheering jarred me. Believe me, I totally understand the relief of surviving 10 days of fairing! And I understand wanting to move along to the next step in what was certainly a VERY long night for a lot of People in Charge. But my emotions were more verging on tears, not cheers.

This captures The Fair to me.
That dad is Fairing so well. He is
supportive, he is smiling, he is making
memories, he is tired. I know this pic
wouldn't win any ribbons, but I love it.

I am so grateful for these 10 days every year. Ten days of friendships and laughter and catching up. Ten days of farm animals and milkshakes and goofy earrings. Ten days of not caring about the rest of the world outside the Fairground gates. Ten days of being asked if we work for the Fair and getting to explain that no, we are simply huge Fair Fans. Ten days of feeling a part of a community, a place, a family sharing an experience and smiling together.

Life is about to abruptly return to normal here at Woodhaven. We have appointments and emails and laundry to tend to. And apparently we need to go grocery shopping because the only thing we have to eat is a jar of pickles, a half a bag of Nerd Balls, and whatever I can scrounge up from our Snack Box for delivery drivers.

I am sad, I am relieved, I am full. I am full of love for my beloved Fair. I am full of gratitude that I am able to pause my world for 10 days each year and embrace my Fair without limits. I am full of wonder that you all come along for the ride with me. And yes, I am full of milkshakes.

Our calendar is already marked for next year’s Fair – August 1-10, 2025! We do have plans for at least one more Fairing Excursion between now and then, so stay tuned!

And sincerely, THANK YOU for fairing with me. We had a blast, didn’t we?? FAIR! FAIR!! FAIR!!!

I am so grateful for this incredible
Fair Buddy.


  • Selfie as we whizzed to the Fairgrounds for our 10am shift. Pineapple Spindrift. Tart and bubbly. Mmmm.

  • Breakfast of champions! A chocolate coffee milkshake! I tried the coffee last year and it didn't make me jittery so I decided to try my own version of a mocha milkshake. It was REALLY good! But there were chunks of coffee grounds (hopefully decaf?) that concerned me, only for the caffeine. My tummy ended up a little iffy towards the end of it, but that could have been because I was having a milkshake for breakfast...again.

  • Decided I needed a homey, tummy-settling, old timey sandwich for lunch. Ham and cheese from the Church Ladies Pie Stand. REALLY GOOD! The ham tasted honey baked or some sort of sweet glaze. It was high quality, and it balanced well with the sourdough bread. I'll have to put this in the rotation with the pastrami sandwich next year. MMMMM!

  • Accompanying potato chips that I ate without guilt since it was still (barely) Fair! Not shown: pickle spear.

  • My last Smasher of the season -- my favorite Strawberry Mango. Hit the spot as I also modeled my t-shirt that speaks much truth. Thank you for all the hydration, Stan! You kept me going!

  • Finishing the Fair on a stick. Corn dog from the Lion's booth because I wanted more batter than dog. Very tasty and exactly what I wanted - and grateful they still had some since things were shutting down.

  • My final corn, doused with butter, salt, and Tajin. I eventually took off my glasses and assumed proper Corn Eating Position to enjoy every squirty bite.

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